as title what other teams do we have?
spot on thanks
will mining pay for the electric now ? i believe bitcoins was good money when they 1st started or easy to mine ......... i do miss marveling over loudbob , biffa & stanlite points..I sort of lost interest when the mining came into affect, the team strayed apart , loudbob , biffa & stanlite left folding , I think stan still does boinc but not sure? cant blame them as the electric is insane but then again all them expensive 4cpu rigs that did 500k can now be done with only a few gpus which is rubbish considering how much they cost.
seems there is only a few guys left folding now , I had 4 gpus mining but sold them. I set my cpu ( i5 ) running boinc a few days ago and the money in my bank is burning a hole wanting to buy new shiney pc parts but at the min im managing to hold off as I don't have any use for an upgrade from a 3570k and onboard graphics apart from running boinc/folding as I don't game.