Oulton Park - Super Bikes

18 Oct 2002
Some photos from the Super Bikes today at Oulton Park.
All taken on a Canon 20D and Canon 100-400L IS lens - Exif details included for each image (Images not cropped)

Shutter - 1/1000, Aperture - F7.1, ISO 400, Focal length 400mm


Shutter - 1/200, Aperture - F7.1, ISO 200, Focal length 200mm


Shutter - 1/400, Aperture - F8, ISO 200, Focal length 170mm


Shutter - 1/1000, Aperture - F11, ISO 400, Focal length 400mm


Shutter - 1/800, Aperture - F8, ISO 400, Focal length 400mm

yep very good shots sdk, pin sharp as always. i like the wheelie shot the best. i imagine they are fairly hard to get as they dont exactly do it all around the track.
antc said:
yep very good shots sdk, pin sharp as always. i like the wheelie shot the best. i imagine they are fairly hard to get as they dont exactly do it all around the track.
I found last year the right spot and the riders who wheelie. This year it was the same :)
SDK^ said:
I found last year the right spot and the riders who wheelie. This year it was the same :)

i should have realised you would have known such things ;)
Very good, i like it how some of them don't show the whole biker, maybe just their torso, it seems to give an atmosphere to them, it shows you how much the driver is concentrating on the race :)
themask70 said:
i like it how some of them don't show the whole biker, maybe just their torso, it seems to give an atmosphere to them, it shows you how much the driver is concentrating on the race :)
That is why I like photographing bikes.
A close up of car on a track doesn't show anything - It could just be parked up, unless you can show some wheel blur.

A rider and bike leaning over has to be moving to save falling over.
Amazing shots there SDK!

I always look forward to your motorsport pics. They are very sharp and colourful.

Good work. :)
mrgubby said:
If 1 & 4 are full frame you must have been **** close :eek:
I guess the 100-400 has quite a close minimum focusing distance. I struggled with similar shots at F1 testing with my 120-300 2.8 :(
Very Nice !!! ;)

I'm just going to HAVE to get that lens before the BSB come over this side of the sea.

I like the close in shot very much.

Joe T said:
I guess the 100-400 has quite a close minimum focusing distance.
I was at least 6.4 meters away as that is what I set the minimum focus distance on the lens to. I would guess around 10 meters which is close enough when bikes are coming towards you at 100mph+, hence the fast shutter speeds.
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Superb detail on all of them! Makes me want go get out and ride right now! Just a shame its looking more and more like my beloved is going to have to be sold on :(
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