Our band's first ever music video!

It was pretty difficult and called on all of our minutes of acting experience :)
Basically, up until just after the shark dude clapping is 1 take, then the slow mo ending is another.
We practiced.....lots....
It is finished - in my initial post, the video was playing up. The full version is online now.

We were produced in a studio but we had no click track. We practice.
Neoni said:
you may do. not to be rude. but i doubt its the same temp all the way through i bet it "fluctuates" good video though. well produced.

You're most probably right. We just prefered the natural sounds and little imperfections not having a click track produces....plus with that song, it would have confused the hell out of us with some of the rhythms/time sig's going on! :D
Glad people like it. We've been getting some amazing feedback so far.
If we got it on TV then that would be amazing....it is VERY hard to do that tho...still, we're gonna give it our best shot.

The video features the camera work of Adam Powell. He directed the video too. The man is a genius. I'd link his site but some of his other vid's have the odd naughty bit here and there :)
I'm sure you can Google him ;)

I won't give out figures but we did the vid on a shoe string budget and it wouldn't have been possible without a lot of help from everyone involved.
Seriously guys. Thanks for your kind comments.
I'm on a mission to get this on TV. :)
I think I can do it....gotta keep positive :P
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