Out of this world picture!

I follow him on Facebook.

It's absolutely incredible. Apparently each astronaut goes with their own personal mission and his is a more social presence on the Internet.

[–]ColChrisHadfield 152 points 10 days ago*
Each astronaut has personal goals as part of their career. One of mine has been education and public awareness of what we are doing in space exploration. This current 5-month mission combined with the advent of social media has made this possible like never before. I think it is important that people see the world from this new perspective that technology has given us, and I do my utmost to make that happen.

He did a Reddit AMA the other day that was very good. (That's where that is from)

It's worth following him on fb for his photos alone. Commander Hadfield.

They use d2 and d3's

I believe all e images are available here:

But yeah like him on fb!

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