Outdoor Speakers

14 Jul 2004
Melbourne , Oz.
Anyone have any experience with these? I am looking for a pair of outdoor speakers for my back garden. I have a decent eaves overhang so I don't expect them to get wet even though we often have some pretty epic storms in the spring. They will be out of direct sunlight too although our summers are very hot, multiple days above 30 and a few that crack 40.
I'll be hooking them up to a Sonos amp that I just bought with credit card points. I'm well locked into that system, despite the recent downgrades.

Garden isn't huge so don't need anything too loud or over powering. Any good alternatives? I have looked at Polk Atrium 8 and they seem overkill, plus pricey. The Atrium 5 are the same price as the Bose and have the added benefit of being adjustable and looks like they can be mounted horizontally or vertically. Bose have the benefit of their 90 day return policy, which I've used numerous times without hassle.

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