Outdoor Team Build Ideas

28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
Hey all, I'm helping plan a kind of team build day. The morning will be work stuff, but the afternoon is pencilled in to be more of a fun activity. We're in Central London and are very close to Hyde Park, so talk of just heading there to play rounders has been mentioned. I threw in the idea of an 'It's a knockout' type competition, which seemed like a popular idea.

I just wondered if anyone had any ideas for either 'Its a Knockout' type activities that don't involve inflatables or large equipment, or just general team build ideas that can be done in an hour or two outdoors, or specifically around London?


(If we can avoid the whole discussion around if you like team builds or not, thanks :p )
Yeah, I did wonder about that. It might take a far bit of prep though?

Maybe a simple find X and have a selfie with it. Or... going slightly harder, some questions giving a team a 'What 3 Words' location, that has a statue or something. Selfie with these points. That wouldn't be too hard to do, I guess.
Some great ideas, but I think more suited to a smaller group. I don't have confirmed numbers yet, but it could be anywhere from 20 to 40, which most indoor things likely wouldn't cater for and could also get quite expensive, quite quickly.
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