Outlook 2007 VB command help for All Mail Items Search

30 Jul 2003
Hi there, im pulling my hair out with this one, im trying to create a macro that in turn i can make in to a button.

Basically I want to be able to run a seach on the all mail items box to display all mail within the last 7 days from the inboxes, i can do it manually by typing in received:this week received:this week folderpath:Inbox in the search box and it then lists all the mail no problem.

I wanted to however make this more automated so at a click of a button the process happens. i think im meant to use a urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived string in the VB editor but my VB knowledge is nearly non existant, and have tried fiddling for about 2 hours now to no avail :(

If anyone could point me in the right direction or even tell me what i need to put in the VB editor i would be sooooo happy.


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