outrun 2006

4 Dec 2002
ilkeston derbys
been checkin out the graphics on the video demo and it looks not too good even for video . Can anybody please confirm that the visuals are pretty good because i want to buy it tomorrow

Didn't realise this was out, I thought the PC version was delayed till July!
By all accounts it looks amazing in screenshots, but you know how screenshots can look sharper than the original screen ;)
If you do get it, post your own screenshots!:D
My copy should be here by monday - BlahDVD only dispatched yesterday. Still, I got it for £18 which is by far the cheapest I've seen it for(on PC at least, I've seen it for £10 on the PS2).

I've been waiting for this for a good while.
If I only give one piece of advice this year, let it be this one:


Christ, it's a long time since I've seen such a shoddy release as this. It's a blatant Xbox port, right down from the suspect graphics to the lack of mouse input in the menus.

Then there's the fact that the entire product appears to have been coded like something from the DOS days, running as fast as it can not only in the game (rendering it unplayable without vsync) but also in the menus, meaning that tapping the right key sends the selection sliding 5 boxes over.

But it doesn't stop there, oh no. The game is also a bit unstable. I'm driving along, then all of a sudden the sound will go a bit dodgy, and it starts to slow down, the controls getting unresponsive and the game generally grinds to a halt before bluescreening. In the readme, it mentions "Some users may experience sound distortion and dropout on Creative Audigy 2 soundcards. Please make sure that you download the latest drivers for your soundcard.", so of course I've done that and it still happens.

The actual gameplay is also very dull, the cars handling remains unchanged at pretty much all speeds. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm very much an arcade racer, and I love keeping it floored as I power round corners. But this is just stupid.

For the record, I am old enough to have played the original Outrun arcade game, which was immensely enjoyable at the time. But this is 2006, not 1986. Things have moved on, and 5 year old graphics coupled with 15 year old gameplay and 15 seconds of QA testing does not make a good game.

Those who have seen my posts down the years will know that I usually aim to give a balanced view of games, and I can often find good qualities even in games which I don't like much or consider overrated. But there can be no excuses made for this tripe, I've got a box sat in the corner with 90s games like Screamer Rally and Motorhead, and they dump all over OR2006C2C from a great height. Heck I've got Chase HQ from the 80s on the Amstrad CPC which would give this a run for it's money.

It's a shame, because I was really looking forward to this. Oh well, back to the Need for Speed series it is then.
Whats it like in comparison to Outrun 2. I keep hoping that MS will add OR2 to the 360 backwards compatibility list, but if they dont i may just have to buy this for PC.
shame they've ruined it the original was a classic, now where did I put my copy of mame
Outrun sucks, and always has.

I think people have rose tinted memories of sitting in that hydraulic cabinet with the FANTASTIC Outrun music blaring out and being thrown all over the place, but forgetting about the AWFULL Outrun game they were actually playing.
atpbx said:
Outrun sucks, and always has.

I think people have rose tinted memories of sitting in that hydraulic cabinet with the FANTASTIC Outrun music blaring out and being thrown all over the place, but forgetting about the AWFULL Outrun game they were actually playing.

Not really, Outrun 2 on the XBox is one of my favourate games. That being said, the first time i played Outrun which comes with it i never remembered it looking as bad as it did. (Its meant to be an arcade perfect version).
Bought it today. Game is fun and very old school 1990s gameplay (repetitive + simple + undemanding).

Gfx are nothing special but bright & crisp. Only needs a DX8.1 level gfx card so that tells you eveything you need to know about what shaders are being used (1.1 or 1.4 only).

Hard to get for less than £29.99 anywhere as online cheapest Ive seen is £24.99 + P&P. Just about worth it for gameplay & ease of play just dont expect too much as its really an Xbox1 port with better gfx (up to 1920x1200 + AA and still a constant 30FPS all the time).
melchy said:
Whats it like in comparison to Outrun 2. I keep hoping that MS will add OR2 to the 360 backwards compatibility list, but if they dont i may just have to buy this for PC.
Outrun 2 is actually an option within the game, you get it for 'free'!! I liked it on psp and i'm getting for PC
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