outrun coast to coast

1 Aug 2005
newcastle upon tyne
just got outrun coast to coast today.
if anybody wants a good arcade race game this is pretty good.
playing it on a 27 inch lcd tv,and its like having the arcade machine at home but with better graphics.
on line price £24.99.
cheers ian.
Just got this myself and thinks its amazing too - runs really smooth. I do have a couple of probs tho : -

1) I have to set my sound acceleration to basic on my Audigy 2 , otherwise the game reboots my system as soon as I accelerate ! (using latest drivers). Dont mind doing this too much but it makes 'drifting' almost silent which just doesnt feel right (no screeching as you slide round the bends)

2) On-line play is grrrrreeeaat when it works.... unfortunately, about half the time it screws up at the crossroads - I end up driving in thin air, no road or scenery (just have to exit out of the game).
Even though I was having a blast when it worked it, Im getting really frustrated with this. (think I'll go back to Burnout Revenge online until a patch comes out).

Using a 360 pad with this with default drivers and it works flawless.
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Very much like NFSHP2 graphically. Gameplay is actually quite good as well. Will take a while to complete as the time limits are very challenging.

Runs very well on recent hardware. Only negative is the sound bug affecting Audigy2s which causes sound drops outs.

Sumo Digital are working on a solution to this though as the US release was yesterday and they have had lots of feedback from people with the same issue. Makes you wonder if they ever bothered to QA it as the Audigy2 is one of the most popular sound cards!
yes i am using the xbox360 joypad and its great with this game.
i agree the graphics are good and no drop in framerate that i can see.
i have got the xbox 1 version as well but the pc one is far better.
as i have not got the same soundcard as yourselves i do not have a problem.
it should have been released on xbox360 as well for some good online play.
cheers ian.
Runs too fast on my pc and crashes all the time.:( I made a profile for it and turned on vsync and evan SLI 16xAA and its still too fast and crashing, any ideas?
HangTime said:
Even that is being a bit generous - even NFS:P2000 looks as good if not better than this.

I've given up playing due to the Audigy2 bugs.


Sorry my friend but graphically this is a long way ahead of NFSHP2 :cool:
lowrider007 said:
really enjoying this, nice clean graphics that run super smooth maxed out, this game make me wish there was a updated version of DaytonaUSA using the same graphics engine :o
Now that my friend, would be the holy-grail, anyone care to e-mail Sega and ask?
AWPC said:
Sorry my friend but graphically this is a long way ahead of NFSHP2 :cool:

this is the year 2006 you know. that looks flippin awful..... :eek:

i'll be getting flatout2 this weekend. if the first one is anything to go by it will be awesome. :D
AWPC said:
Sorry my friend but graphically this is a long way ahead of NFSHP2 :cool:

*Takes a quick look around for a NFSHP2 shot*


Yeah ok, so there's a couple of jaggies and the road texture is slightly blurred, but some AA+AF should sort that out, plus it's in low res. It's not the best screenie in the world but I still wouldn't say OR2006C2C is a long way ahead.
BLAST!!! Its a ferrari only game

I refuse to buy any "prancing horse" branded stuff until after a certain cheating German racing driver is not "employed" by them
I was amazed how well this ran on my laptop.. ati 9600 with 32mb ram. Keeps a nice 50-60 fps at 1024x768. It plays kinda fast though.. or maybe its just my slow reflexes :(
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