Outside drains blocked!

3 Dec 2005
It appears that my outside drains are blocked, the ones on the ground where the outflow of the bathroom and kitchen go. now when the bath or washer empties, water floods the yard. I was wondering if anyone knows of some sort of liquid/gell or whatever that i can shove down there that will disolve the blockage?? would appreciate any help guys
Take the cover off, get some rubber gloves and stick your hand down it if the blockage is near the top else you'll have to get a rod or call someone out.

Had the same problem in an old house of mine and managed to clear it myself, wasn't exactly pleasant but saved me money :p
I had a similar thing a while ago where my toilet wouldn't flush properly. I had a look at the drains and they were just completely blocked solid.
I wouldn't recommend trying to use a load of liquid, as thats not designed for the big drains and it'll just be a waste of money.
I used Dyno-rod as that had a 'deal' where if they would charge a maximum of an hour to clear a domestic drain, regardless of how long it takes. Plus its guaranteed for a few months.
Just go with that, they're professional, its not too expensive and worth the money. (In my case, my gf at the time thought it was acceptable to flush her sanitary stuff down the toilet, therefore blocking it all..I mean, wtf is that all about? :confused: )
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