Looking for some earphones to use whilst jogging and in the gym. All standard earphones tend to fall out whilst jogging.
Bought a pair of philips clip-on earphones from the auction site and sound quality is terrible, no bass whatsoever.
So my budget is £20 and am looking for some ove-ear clip earphones preferably not with wire from clip to earphone as these in my experience ca also fall out. Need good overall sound quality with decent bass delivery.
Looking for some earphones to use whilst jogging and in the gym. All standard earphones tend to fall out whilst jogging.
Bought a pair of philips clip-on earphones from the auction site and sound quality is terrible, no bass whatsoever.
So my budget is £20 and am looking for some ove-ear clip earphones preferably not with wire from clip to earphone as these in my experience ca also fall out. Need good overall sound quality with decent bass delivery.