Overclock = lower temps

8 Jan 2006
I noticed this when I first OC'd about 2 months ago, but recently I went back to all default clocks and settings for diagnostic purposes. My idle temps have now jumped from 42 CPU / 41 MB up to 46 CPU / 45 MB.

I notice that Vcore is at 1.38v automatically at stock 2.2GHz. LOL - I only use 1.325v at 2.6GHz stable. It just strikes me as odd that the MB sets these things so high.
Increase in power/heat output of a CPU is directly proportional to the increase in running speed in mhz, but proportional to the voltage squared.

So a small increase in voltage often yields a large change in temperatures.

Furthermore, you might also want to consider removing any dust from your system and the heatsink and fan.
i found that in the past even with different ram timing it made the cpu colder. funny old game is OCing. i wanna get back into it !
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