I took my PC completely apart for a clean yesterday, all seems to work fine but what I noticed is with my overclock settings still saving in the BIOS it doesnt show it working in Windows.
Specs are below in sig.
It worked before so is there something I am missing or is it the CMOS destroyed?
I ran IBT to get CPU to 100% but the speed in both HWInfo and Task Manager doesnt go higher than 3,392.
Wondering if my CPU chip is actually gubbed now lol. It looks like its holding the voltage change to 1.25v so its just the clock speed (which I changed to 42)
I took my PC completely apart for a clean yesterday, all seems to work fine but what I noticed is with my overclock settings still saving in the BIOS it doesnt show it working in Windows.
Specs are below in sig.
It worked before so is there something I am missing or is it the CMOS destroyed?
I ran IBT to get CPU to 100% but the speed in both HWInfo and Task Manager doesnt go higher than 3,392.
Wondering if my CPU chip is actually gubbed now lol. It looks like its holding the voltage change to 1.25v so its just the clock speed (which I changed to 42)
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