Hang on a minute... I assumed you had an AMD CPU. What platform are you on?
He waffles a bit but this will show you the procedure.
There are two options. Either you use the fast settings the calculator gives you or you ignore it and use the A2/B2 preset which will be faster.
I left all voltages on auto except for dram voltage. See how far that gets you. Don't touch anything else unless you find you really really need to.
So set the timings in the bios and the dram voltage. Then use the membench section in the calculator to run the default test.
This will run a little test for a 4 mins and if you get any errors you know things are stable.
Back in to the bios and up the dram voltage by the smallest increment 0.01v and then try the test again etc etc...
Actually before working on the ram you need to know what your max FCLK is.
The FCLK will be between 1800MHz and 1900MHz.
Set it to 1900MHz boot in to windows and see if everything is OK.... use the pc for a bit if you think anything isn't right then the FCLK is too fast and you will have to go back in to the BIOS and lower it. Keep doing this until yo find the highest FCLK the PC will tolerate.
Then set the ram frequency in the calculator to 2 x this value.
So lets say you found out the the PC is OK at 1866MHz FCLK when you use the calculator you will put 3733MHz as the ram frequency then get the fast timings or use the preset.