Overclocked cpu showing stock speeds in CPU-Z

29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Overclocked my Q6600 to 3Ghz this morning.

Checked the temps with CoreTemp (all good) then checked the voltages & speeds with CPU-Z, but it's only showing stock speeds! Checked via the Windows System panel, which shows the same ("Q6600 @ 2.40Ghz"). On previous occasions it has always shown the correct (overclocked) speed. :confused:


PC seems to be skipping along without any trouble, so is it overclocked or not? How can I tell, and why doesn't my software seem to know? :confused: :confused:
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Dude, I was in my BIOS this morning carefully setting the FSB to 333 for a 3Ghz clock. I went back to check it twice, and it's still 333.

I'll be back in a sec with some screenies.
No, perfectly stable boot. It's a Gbyte mobo, so it'll try three times and drop to default BIOS settings if it can't boot properly. Screenshot there was taken after a soft reset; I didn't change any settings at all.

Just plain weird. Wonder if there's a new bios available... could be worth a try to see if that resolves the problem. :confused:
shadowscotland is right, your overclock must have failed. Did you remember underclock your memory or change the FSB:Memory ratio before you upped the FSB?

I didn't, but I've just done it now... yet still no change to the cpu speed:



Back to the bios for an update.
Just installed latest bios; no problem there. Tried the same overclock; fail. Definitely saved the profile. :confused:

Might go back in and try a slightly lower clock to see if it works.


Overclocked to 2.70Ghz, but CPU-Z reports standard clock speed. I give up. :confused:

Had the cpu sitting comfortably at 3.2Ghz earlier this year, but now it doesn't want to play ball. :(
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It does have a multiple bios option, but I'm sure I'm only using one. Where do I find the DES control panel? Pretty sure I have all power-saving features turned off.
You still haven't said if Speedstep or C1e is enabled in the BIOS, if it is then disable it.

Both were disabled.

If that dosen't work, try clearing CMOS.






That cpu voltage is a little higher than I'd prefer. I'll drop it to ~1.25 for cooler temps.

Thanks for all the help, fellas.

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The funny thing was, I reset the CMOS from within the bios (didn't touch the battery); so as you say, it's weird that the flash didn't do this for me. :confused:
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