Overclockers UK Grand Opening!! Saturday 10th November - Rides!

8 Mar 2010
There are some awesome deals going on at OcUk's Grand Opening. hd 7970s £199 22" monitors £49 and lots of other goodies incase you missed it heres the thread


Now am sure a lot of us would be keen to throw our money in the shops general direction at those prices ..... but I like many others do not drive so thought it might be a good idea to start a thread for people who do drive and intend to go on the day. Are you prepared to share your motor with another bargain hunter? ...... mutter mutter...grumble moan ..... sharing of petrol costs etc.

Right so for starters anyone in the North East heading over there Middlesbrough here looking for a ride:)

Ooo oo almost forgot the most important thing .... free food and refreshments ..... that's don code for haribo and OcUk refuelling stuff
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Not really fair for people who are going if they run out of stock to be honest - I personally don't agree with the thread!

(This is of course assuming you buy an item for someone who is not going).

I would not expect them to say how many items of each will be sold at the low price but surely you don't mean you disagree with this thread .... only guilty of trying to help just an idea :)
Co Durham here and I am considering going but not made my mind up yet. If I do go, would gladly give somebody a lift (only on the basis I get to buy my stuff in front of them and if I buy the last one, then tough!)

Yup I would agree with that on the understanding that if you did purchase the last monitor in front of me I reserve the right to break wind constantly on the way back :D
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