*****Overclockers UK System Configurator LIVE!*****

OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Hi there


We've decided to re-activate our system configurator which allows you to pretty much design your own PC system from scratch with far more options than our usual PC offerings.

It is still in development and more options will be available over the coming days including overclocking, but right now for more details see this link:-

OcUK Configure yourself range of PCs

We have 5 base PC's two AMD and three Intel so you can configure a PC system from as little as £420 all the way upto nearly £4000. These are all gaming based PC's which is why the cheapest is over £400 as they are all capable of playing games, no onboard VGA solutions here! :)
I saw that today... Pretty cool Gibbo

Although you may want to offer more PSU options.

Right now minimum PSU is above what is needed to handle SLI/Crossfire.

Once the system is developed more it shall be set so cheaper PSU's are available but once you select an extra graphics card they become greyed out. :)
Needs the option of using the stock cooler if someone doesn't want an overclocked system?

The stock cooler is default no cost option, except for Sandybridge system which use OEM CPU's.

When we adding overclocking options, it shall force you to select an up-rated cooler, this shall come tomorrow.

But now we have a powerful configurator and at the moment for customers who don't want overclocking this is ideal, and soon the OC options will be added for those who want an overclocked PC at a small additional cost.

Were thinking:-
- 10% overclock £15 +VAT
- 15% overclock £30 +VAT
- 20% overclock £50 +VAT
- 25% Extreme overclock £100 +VAT (Plus will default to best cooler)
That sounds reasonable on the prices Gibbo and i agree with it.

I would say a bit more case choice/psu choices but you guys probably know that and just added the configurator to the site for now to get things going.

Cases we can probably easily add a few more. :)

PSU were a lot more careful with, a lot don't have enough connectors or are just not of a good enough quality. With the Corsair in general they are rock solid and have the lowest RMA rates. :)
Very nice Gibbo, best I could do was £3,559 though :P

I think you should add in the price you're actually paying for each item somewhere in the boxes, just so you know how much each item is. I also think you should expand not just to gaming rigs, I regularly buy new PC's for people with businesses, generally I can find prebuilts that are a better spec + cheaper than what I can find, buying from a competitor has been nice, but if I could choose what I want in it, I'd much prefer to buy from OcUK

Yeah we can look at it, but the only major difference would be adding a default onboard VGA no cost option to reduce price which we could do to all those Gaming PC's and just rename them.

At the moment were calling them Gaming simply as thats our niche and what were known for, if the configurator takes off we will expand it with more classes of systems. :)
Hi just priced up a comp, and then indivually priced it, your charging 140 ish for the building of the pc? im trying to work out if thats good value or not.

The build charges range from £40 - £80, none of them have a charge of higher than that. Which is perfectly reasonably for two reasons, labour charge per hour, going rate is £40 +VAT then the fact our systems have an onsite collect warranty. :)

Additional charges will come from RAID setups, OC settings etc. But at the moment we only have RAID options.

Sounds possible you may have missed an item out that is in the configurator list such as motherboard possibly, as not all of them allow you to select mainboard but it is listed on the right in the detailed system specification.
Sounds good to me, will be hoping this is done soon, I have three PC's to purchase within this month.

Seems like a good edition to the OcUK website.

I shall look at enabling onboard VGA for the entry level AMD and Intel offerings tomorrow. :)
As I believe the motherboards used in both of those have onboard VGA. :)
Under Graphics 2 it says:

Yet all the options available are AMD. There should be "or Crossfire" added after SLI.

Thats probably because your looking at the AMD extreme system, obviously SLI is not supported on AMD's 890 chipset.

If you look at Intel systems they have both AMD and NVIDIA SLI/CROSSFIRE options.
Looks good :).

Two comments...

  1. Needs expanding a fair bit. Maybe instead of listing all the configurable options it could be more of a step-by-step process and takes you to the relevant section on the store. For example with the cases it offered, I don't like the appearance of any of them.... but of-course the system will fit fine in the Corsair 800D (which wasn't offered and I do like the look of). But obviously with the current layout you don't want a list of 165 cases! If it were to take you to the cases page (keeping the users previous selection serverside in CGI/whatever) and then offer you all the cases that will take a normal motherboard and full-height graphics card (if that’s what the user has selected) that would be loads better.
  2. I'm not your target market having built all my PCs, but there is one thing I'd consider using it for.... watercooling - but that's not offered on it. Yes I could Google all I want to research what to buy, but my ineptness and paranoia would stop me actually putting it together!

Shall definetely add more case options, I forgot all about the Corsair cases.
Definetly think you should add Coolermaster Haf-X/Lian Li AF70/Silverstone Fortress.

True but i would suggest adding Antec ones at least as they have lowest failure rate and are very good for the money especially those new high current gamer ones.:)

Never the less it's great to see this feature on the website again as for a start it will make your phonelines less busy lol.:p (people not needed to call as much to request a certain build now they can do on the site.)

Shall get done in the morning. :)
Hi there

The little niggles in grammar etc. I shall get our IT department to sort. :)

I've now added the following options:-

Onboard VGA Zero cost option for cheaper Intel and AMD PC's.
More cases added!
More motherboards added on certain PC's.
Akasa Card Readers made an option.

I am now looking at overclocking options, anything else just say and I shall look into it. :)
You should eventually apply this method of selling to bundles for those who want to use different case options which aren't the usual cases

We actually discussed that this morning. :)

Will be several weeks though before an implementation if it happens.
On SB systems could you add the Geil 8gig RAM option?
Seems like there's a big jump in price between 4gigs and 8gigs (£58), and the Geil 8gig option could lessen the gap a little.

Consider it done! But I shall add G.Skill option as well. :)
Sound proofing Gibbo...

Shall get some case mod options added, sound proofing, cathodes etc. :)


Am now working on the intelligence system so when you select the overclock it removes stock cooler for obvious reasons. ;)
Great idea.

I have just bought a Spinasaur from you a few weeks ago!

Why are the prices ex VAT? Is it aimed at business rather than personal customers?



Its an old system, that I've re-activated, the niggles for now have to stay until the coder gets time to re-code.
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