**Overclockers UK TV - Avexir Memory**

OcUK Staff
4 Feb 2013
On Overclockers UK TV, Nathan gives us a cheeky peak at Avexir - the memory that packs a punch in both performance and aesthetics. A truly unique piece of kit.

Is the green like the Geforce GTX lit up Logo or is it darker, wouldn't mind seeing a photo of them together :)

Quick edit , found some :) http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?p=24707229 but its not that clear.

Yo dude, they're VERY close. The GeForce, imo, is a shade or two lighter (more yellowey green) and the Avexir is a more rich green. BUT when the two are together, it's VERY hard to tell the difference. I shall get you a photo this week if possible :)
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