overclockinf i5 in a Gigabyte P55-UD3 Mission Impossible

21 Jul 2008
Hi, need some help I have been trying to overclock the i5 in a Gigabyte P55-UD3 until now is a Mission Impossible. can someone point me in some settings even with the EasyTunes I can't acomplish anything :(
What cooler are you using and what is your ram?

You could try the following:

Go into BIOS->MIT Current Status->Advanced CPU Core Features, Disable, CPU Enhanced Halt, C3/C6/C7 State Support, CPU EIST Function, Bi-directional PROCHOT and Virtualization Technology, then Exit.

Advanced Frequency Settings, Base Clock (BCLK) Control, Enable, PCI Rxpress Freq, 100, CPU Clock Drive + PCI Express Clock Control, 900mV, Exit.

Advanced Memory Settings, Performance Enhance, Standard, Exit.

Advanced Voltage Settings, CPU VCore, try 1.3v to begin with, DRAM voltage, look at the packaging of your ram for this, probably 1.6-1.65v Exit.

Power Management Setup, ACPI Suspend Type, S1 (POS), EXit.

Go back to Advanced Frequency Settings, BCLK Frequency, and key in say 170 to start with, then if you look at CPU Frequency, it will give you your new processor speed, then press F10 to Save and Exit....

Hopefully you will now boot into Windows.
Hi, I tried your setting but doesn't work even with 145

only way it works is using Optimized and manually set multiplier 145

when I try 150 vista start loading but can't see the circular logo

I just try 145 and memory multy x10 1450mhz and so far so good. so maybe memory is not the problem.

is a bit frustrating can't go over 3045mhz
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As was asked previously - what cooler are you using?

What sort of temperatures are you getting at 3GGHz?
You're not answering questions which you have to answer for us to have any chance of helping.

jbloggs has provided a detailed guide to spare you the trauma of asking Google, care to say which part is causing you problems?

You would get many more responses if you offered more information and told us what settings you've tried so far. Currently the majority of people capable of overclocking your system are ignoring this thread.
Are you using 1600MHz capable memory ? ...if so it'll likely be running it at 1.5v unless you increase it manually, also, it has probably set the CMD (Command Rate) to 1T at 1333MHz, if it's 1600Mhz memory you'll want this at 2T to make sure it's stable beyond 1333MHz (you can play with tightening the timings later, for now, we need to see what the cpu can do, so we don't want the memory being the limiting factor).

Also, for the time being, disable Turbo Mode, you'll find it in 'Enhanced Core Features' or something like that in the MIT section of the BIOS the bit jbloggs mentioned.

A couple of other things also, manually lock the CPU/PLL voltage at 1.8 (the default) and adjust the QPI/VTT Voltage from 1.1v to 1.15v for now, you might find if this helps but it's still not stable, that raising it another notch might help.

However, if you are using the stock cooler, I wouldn't expect more than 3.2GHz anyway, you'll need a much better one to really push this chip.

We need more information first though, as people have already said.
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