Overclocking Asus Sli A8N SE mobo

26 Feb 2006
Wondering if anyone can help! Not that confident with overclocking mb's but having a go.

Am getting the error message in nTune that the "PCI clock is currently set to track the HT bus." I'm told I need to disable this feature but cannot find in the BIOS manual as to where or how I should do this!!!!

Can anyone point me in the right direction!
Just d/loaded a manual for your mobo. In bios go to advanced tab, select jumper free configuration, options for manual selection of bus speeds are here. Set pci-e bus to 100/101mhz.

I would forget Ntune, adjust settings in your bios it is far more reliable. If you do not have a manual for your mobo it is available for d/load on the asus website.

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Excellent. Thankyou! I had set that as thought was the correct setting. I guess the Ntune app maybe detecting this wrong? I'll head into the bios and do a bit of tweaking instead!

Thanks again.
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