overclocking e8400 on air

Keep the cpu voltage under 1.4 and the temperatures under 75, whichever becomes limiting first.

Read some guides on it before asking questions. However set all voltages to minimum, ram to stock, cpu to 1.25V and raise fsb until unstable. Then increase cpu voltage as required.

If you don't bother to do any research beyond this, and it runs unstable or breaks, serve you right.
motherboard is asus striker II
what voltages to use ?
help me i know nothing on how to do this really but i no at stock its bottlenecking my sli system lol

No rig is alike, read the stickied guide and raise volts until you have stability. Keep eye on max volts limit and temps you're getting :)
4 Ghz should be hit by most if not all E8400.

a) depends on how good your board is.
b) if your RAM will hold you back.
c) cant remember. lol
I used to run an E8400 at 4.0ghz in a Shuttle, so these things are easy to overclock and don't really take much effort.

You will need a decent cooler though at this speed and don't forget to reduce your memory multiplier if you need too.
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