Overclocking fun

30 Dec 2005
Glasgow, Scotland
I'm currently overclocking my processor and following an article in *****.net. According to the article i could overclock my processor, a AMd64 3000+ Venice by a whole ghz if i'm at 1.8ghz, and i wouldn't need to change the fan or anything like that.

The result however has been a little different. I've managed to raise the external clock to 230mhz without it fussing, bringing the clock to 2072.7mhz. However on attempting to raise to 250mhz, Windows refuses to run. On attempting to raise to 300mhz, the highest ***** got to, the computer refused to run and i was forced to reduce it.

I don't know whether it's just a fault of my RAM, or something else. Help would be greatly appreciated.

My hardware in full is this:

Easier to see HTML version:


God knows i probably shouldn't be doing this, since it's my first overclock. But i wanted to try it.
Have you read the overclocking guide? Not all processors clock the same so your 3000 may not reach 2.8ghz. I take it you have been using a divider but have you reduced the HTT/LDT multiplier?
Sounds like you haven't reduced your HT (maybe called LDT multi). This will default to 5x (maybe 1000) and should be reduced to 4x (maybe 800) and 3x if you get over 250 fsb (maybe ... you guessed it ... 600).
Nope i've reduced it to 3X and changed the NForce voltages. I've read the article in OCUK yes. It might be i've just missed something, or it may well be i can't get it up (heh, pardon the expression) any further, though it would seem odd.
Important question: Are you using a RAM divider?

If the answer is yes: You have likely reached your max overclock. At least with the current voltages.

If the answer is no: Your RAM will be running at the same speed as the HT. 250MHz may be far too much for your RAM to run at correctly which is why you have your errors.

The CPU-z report shows there is a divider being applied.

Have you locked the PCI-Ex/PCI bus speeds ? Likely you have to reach this far, but you never know.
You have your memory at 2.5-2-2-6, which is pretty tight. You can try raising those figures a bit to see if you gain any stabiliy.

Saying that though, at 148MHz that RAM should be capable of those timings. I have Corsair XMS @ 208MHz with 2-3-3-6 (haven't really played with the timings yet but that is ultra stable).
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Ok i'll see what i can do voltage and ram wise.

Btw, i've dropped the DRAM speed to DDR266, should i? Or should i bring it to normal?
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