Overclocking help with my 2X 3800

28 Nov 2003
Manchester, UK
Ok im attempting to overclock my Athlon 2X 3800, any help appreciated.

I managed to get it into windows at 240 x 10, but after further fiddling about I was forced to reset the cmos. Now it wont boot with those same settings :confused: Anyway iv just been testing it at 220 x 10, and its seems stable, but I have afew questions.

What voltage should I keep the ram/cpu be set to?
Should ram settings should I use? (Cas/Tras/Trcd/Trp etc)
Why wont it boot at 240.0 x 10 if it did previously, any ideas?

Any other tips appreciated, I got the cpu today so just decided to have a mess about with it :)

ps. Full spec in sig
Some more info:

AMD Athlon 64 X2


CPU Freq 230.0
CPU Mult x10
DDR Volt 2.85V
CPU Volt 1.45V
Chipset Volt +1.5V
HT Volt +1.20V

Cas 2.5
Tras 5T
Trcd 3T
Trp 3T
Trc 11T
Trfc 14T
Trwt 3T
Twr 3T
1T/2T 1T

These are the current settings im using, dont ask me what they mean! Windows loads up fine, will run some tests to see if its stable but does anything look wrong in there? Are the volts to high/low? I tried it at CPU Freq 240 before but it wouldnt boot, any ideas why? Thanks :)
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