Overclocking My Leadtek 6800TDH

15 Apr 2006
Hi everyone, I recently got a Leadtek 6800TDH. I managed to unlock all pipelines and the vertex shader through Riva Tuner. I am running stock speeds @ the moment 325/700. I have a problem overclocking my card. It seems that I cant exceed 370 on my gpu core and around 800 on my rams. Riva tuner its telling me that its not accepted or something like that . If I lock again the vertex shader, will I be able to get better overclocking on the core and rams ? And what type of clocks should I accept from my card ? I did a test on 3D Mark 06 with all the above unlocked and managed to get around 980. At the moment my cpu is P4 2.8 oc'ed to 3.2. I am using also 1GB of Wintec AMPX rams.
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