
28 Mar 2006
ok im used to overclocking my cpu @graphics card but with memory i havnt got a clue so i was woundering if you could give me some pointers my memmory is a 1gb stick of elixir ddr400

amd sempron 1.5ghz 2200+ @ 1.93ghz 2800+ @215mhz fsb x 9 multi
msi-kt4av with corcell
3d prophet 9800pro with arctic cooler @ 460mhz core/370mhz memory
120gb seagate barracuda 7200rpm
1gb elixir ddr400 @stock

ok here is what i see in the dram settings page on my bios=

system performance = fast
current host clock =215mhz
configure sdram timing =auto
sdram freaquancy =400mhz
sdram cas latency =auto (default is 3 when set to 2 pc wont boot)
row precharge time =auto
ras pulse width =auto
ras to cas delay =auto
write recovery cycle =1t (i set this to 1t)
bank interleave =auto
sdram burst length =4qw
sdram 1t command =enabled
fast r2r turnaround disabled

voltages are all default what id like to know is, what i should change to get best results and what can really screw the memory up if i do it wrong.
and of course some oppinions on settings you would personally use :) thnx in advance
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