Overcome with joy!!

15 Feb 2003
Two exam results for final year Uni modules have been released this morning.

For software project management I scored 62% which was about what I was predicting. It was one of those exams that at the time I knew that I had passed but could have done better, I really struggled with one of the questions.

Advanced Computer Architecture however I felt really good about as soon as I walked out of the exam and just knew I did well. I've been really wanting to know this result, and estimated I'd get easilly 60% but really hoped for 70% or higher....

I got 90%! Over the moon with that. The highest mark in this module last year was 63% so really am dead chuffed. It's easilly been my favourite area of study at Uni and I just wish there was more content like this as I'd be cruising to a first if there was! Unfortauntely It's only worth a twelth of my final year and not more!

Still, I'm hoping for a 2:1, and a nice solid mark like that should go a long way towards helping things out!
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Thanks guys :) Perhaps "overcome with joy" as a title was a little OTT, the joy has quickly worn off as I've got to get on with some project work now.

I have two more marks to come but they're from a different department so who know's when they'll get their asses in gear and publish them.
Get my results back on monday i think from first semester of first year. Doesnt really count.. but i still want to do well.

Well done to you though mate. Excellent work! What are you treating/treated yourself to?
Nice one mate - keep up the good work :cool:

Good luck to all you other student type people too :)

Stan :)
I always find with uni work that if i think i've done well i plummet and if i think i've messed up i get 1st results so i always feel bad when i feel good about doing a piece of work, which is kind of confusing.

Ah well a couple of months to go and i'm out of the educational system forever, i wish i was there now :( . wishful thinking- just a kazillion more words to go on the dissertation.... sigh!

Enough of the work avoidance- grats on the mark by the way ;) .
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