Overheating! HELP.

18 Mar 2006
Hey guys.

Some of you may have read my thread here, http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17568090&highlight=games+crash

Basically games were freezing my PC after I built. I managed to fix this problem by taking one stick of my RAM out the green DIMM slot and putting it in to the purple one.

Games have been running absolutely fine since then.. until today. I'm totally confused, they've started crashing despite me not doing anything inside the PC since the RAM thing or installing anything that might cause the crashes. I had a look inside my PC and the RAM is seated correctly.

I decided to check if it was anything to do with the temperature of my PC. I have a program called 'Core Center' which came with my MSI board (full system specs in my sig) and it usually reports cpu temperatures of around 30-45c and system temperatures of 25-35c. My ATI software generally reports my graphics card to running at about 45c-60c depending on whether I've just gamed and what not.

Just to make absolutely sure it's not a temperature thing I also downloaded 'Motherboard Monitor' and straight away it reported that my system/cpu/motherboard (dunno exactly what it monitors?) was running at 127c :eek:. An alarm sounded and I shut down my PC.

I was pretty sure there must have been a mistake, I mean why would Core Center report temperatures so inaccurately if the Motherboard Monitor was right?

After about 20 mins I started up my PC again and then opened Core Center and at first it showed the same normal temperatures previously stated 3 paragraphs up. Suddenly though the cpu temperature shot up to 125c and an alarm sounded and I shut down my PC.

Why all of a sudden is my PC overheating when before it seemed just fine?? And what should I do about it exactly? Do I need a new heatsink and will my CPU have been damaged? I opened up the case and all fans were spinning as they should be..
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Edited my first post, checked and all fans are spinning as they should be..

Just been informed that Motherboard Monitor has problems with MSI and sometimes tells you your mobo is overheating when it's not?

Perhaps Core Center telling me my PC was that hot was down to Motherboard Monitor still being open?
If your Cpu had hit 125 degrees C it would be dead ! :eek:

As previous post , check the seating of your h/s and fan to make sure.

I used Core Center on last mobo (MSI) , seemed pretty reliable.

Sounds like a dodgy sensor/software reading.


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Raikiri said:
127c is a default value used when a program cannot identify a sensor.


That'll be it then. I'll uninstall it now.

But there is still the problem of games crashing AGAIN when I haven't done anything.. :confused:
450w Smart Power PSU

This may be your answer....

Get a prog called Speedfan and whilst you are gaming swtich back to desktop to see what temps you are getting....

what games are you playing anyhow and at what res? are you talking online gaming or offline?
xirokx said:
This may be your answer....

Get a prog called Speedfan and whilst you are gaming swtich back to desktop to see what temps you are getting....

what games are you playing anyhow and at what res? are you talking online gaming or offline?

Only game I play at the minute is CS: Source on 1024x768 (any higher and it seems to crash.. :confused: ) on pretty high settings. My sister plays the Sims 2 on the same resolution.

You suggesting I need a new PSU then?
MBM5 doesnt work with the latest MSI boards, it reported my temps of -150c when I tried it on my k8n sli platinum. The only pice of software that I found that measured temps correctly was corecenter, shame the software is a POS. :rolleyes:
i cannot be too sure tbh.....

try reseating your RAM in diff slots and get a copy of MEMTEST86+ the iso version which u can run in DOS to test your RAM.....

The only reason I was thinking it may be your PSU is because of these components:

PowerColor ATI Radeon X1800 XT 512MB, 2gb GeIL RAM...............that gfx card drinks a lot of juice...if there is a way you can acquire lets say a 500w or 550w psu I would give it a go....

do you play those games online or just in general (offline)

Meanwhile did you get speedfan? and check out the temps using speedfan?

If your pc became too hot it would either a) kill something and then switch off or if you were lucky b) just switch off....

I would check the RAM again with memtest, run it for a few hours....

Then get a prog called prime95 and run a small fft torture test for a 11 - 12 hours....

See if your pc passes tho tests before you think about buying a new psu....
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The RAM is fine. Done the memtest, and it reported no errors after about 2 hours.

I play Source online.

I shall download speedfan and also do the stress test. During the stress test what will happen if my PSU is the problem?
Last few times I've tried to play the games that in the past froze my PC, my PC has restarted itself rather than freeze..

This give anyone a better clue as to what exactly the problem is?

(Specs in sig)
try a more powerful PSU i.e. 500 - 500w

those ATI's drink a lot of juice

Prime95 will just ensure the system is stable on a small torture test it will max out the CPU usage to 100% and if it fails after 11 hours then you know its gotta be your PSU....IMO....

As your RAM, MOBO and everything else seems fine....

Try another PSU if you dont want to prime it.....but priming it wont hurt :)
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