Overloading CPU fan header/compatability

21 May 2020
I'm sitting on a 5 pack of Arctic P12 PWM/PSTs, and I'm planning on buying something in a Ryzen (not 100% sure which just yet). Arctic suggest that 5 fans running from the CPU header is fine - I'm thinking of running 4 of the P12s and the Wraith together.

Does anyone know if
a) this will overload the header or
b) the PWM/PST (which is 4 pin header but the piggyback is 3 cables) will interfere with the mb's ability to control the Wraith?

What motherboard do you have? It should have atleast one Cha_Fan header on! That's where I'd start plugging fans, not on the same header as a CPU cooler
Currently a venerable Gigabyte Z68 which only has a 4 pin header for the CPU fan - Arctic (surprisingly, to me at least) seem to recommend chaining the case fans in with the CPU cooler in that case.

In a few weeks it will be... probably an X570 Tomahawk, so this won't be an issue.

(edit for clarity - the chassis fan headers are 3 pin)
4 Pin fans will work on 3 pin headers the only difference being fan speed will be controlled via DC (voltage control) rather than PWM so as Minibiker suggests it would be better to use the headers on the board rather than having all of the fans on the CPU fan header.

Arctic reccomend not having more than 5 fans on the same header but to check your motherboards sepcifications for the header as it will need to be rated for more than 1 Amp to be able to do this (each P12 fan can draw 0.24A at 100%). However just because you can do something doesn't always make it a good idea to do it, and personally I wouldn't risk blowing the one critical fan header on the board by doing this.

Great fans BTW :cool:
Personally 3 fans off 1 header
Unless it's a high amp 2A+ header
The fans may draw more power starting up than once running so I wouldn't personally run 5 off 1 header
Arctic P12 PWMs have ludicrously skimpy current draw.
80mA per fan, so five fans per connector is safe in any motherboard.
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