Overpaid but spent the money?

15 Jul 2006
My mate was overpaid in his last month before leaving the company. He spent the extra money and thought nothing more of it. Now almost a year later the company has written to him and asked for it back!!

What are the obligations legally (never mind morally as the company is anything but moral so I have no problem helping him out in this situation if I can despite him being stupid!).
It was British Gas and around a grand or so. I have worked for them in the past and after the training just walked out saying they were corrupt and gave the worst custmer service ever!! All they were interested in was sales.

My mate however stuck with it for 6 months before packing it in and coming to the same conclusion!! He owes a months wages as after he quit they paid him a month later.

I would like to see nothing more than for them to be screwed over as the company is just so morally wrong itself from what I learnt being there for only a few weeks!!
Anyone have any personal experience with it? I've been talking to people at work during lunch and one of them believes if you aren't told after 6 weeks of them making the mistake they cant get it back or something :confused:
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