Overseas Volunteer Work

I accept voluntary labour ;)

The NGO type work is one of those businesses were its who you know, not what you know. Very few of them accept 'volunteers' believe it or not as it is too difficult to manage them, house etc, cheaper to actually pay locals most of the time.

The only real volunteers I have come across are those connected with church groups, that sort of thing. Even then they expect you to put yourself on a plane and get there, you will normally be housed with a local 'well to do' family (<not the standard you would expect in the UK btw).

Can I ask how old you are and how long you're prepared to volunteer for?
I did volunteer work in japan 3 times, 9 weeks in one place. it's generally helping out farms and stuff like that, but there are a number of hosts that take you on, its not volunteer work on a mega scale like official organisation and stuff, but check out http://www.wwoofjapan.com/ ask me any question if you want, i had a interesting time and met many people while woofing. there are many other countries you can wwoof as well.

OvertoneBliss said:
I haven't received anything, mate :(.


You've probably been nabbed by the Spam filter then. Can you give me part of your email address that I can recognise? I need to trawl through all of the rejected emails (and there's lots!). Or if you could give me the time you sent it? Helps narrow down the search.
Ive had a couple of mates that did volunteer work..I was amazed to hear that many of these volunteer places actually charge you :o

What kind of volunteer work do you wanna do? Just an experience or do you actually wanna help people who need help?
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