P2V 2003 DC. Bad idea?

15 Sep 2003

I have a 2003 DC running our accounting software in which I would like to virtualise with the VMWare cold clone CD.

Am I asking for trouble? There are quite a few articles out there that suggest demoting the DC etc. I'm concerned about the impact of demoting a DC with an accounting package on it.

Your thoughts appreciated.

I inherited this server unfortunately :(. It had apps galore on it.

I'm concerned that if I demote this domain controller it will mess with the huge accounting app in which would take a fair while to restore. I've not tested a demotion with this accounting app.

I think I may hold off and do some more testing first. Ideally this DC needs to be demoted as I have two fresh DC's with nothing else on them working fine.
Never P2V a Domain Controller, always build a fresh one and promote that one..

That's the general consensus I'm seeing online.

I'm going to cold clone P2V this system and perform a test demotion of the DC offline and see if it kills the accounting software.
We have 2 x 2008 DC's and this 2003 DC.

I'm going to bring the P2V up without the nic offsite on a different network just to test. That should cover me. :p
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