packaging for ~200 HDDs in hotswap trays

18 Oct 2002
Hi all

does anybody know of a supplier in the UK providing boxes for shipping a chunk of 3.5 HDDs in hotswap trays? I have around 200 drives I need to keep safe as we move them between sites.

For a small amount it's probably something you'll need to DIY for.

I wouldn't say the ones you'd get from a supplier would be any better than a good wrapping of bubble wrap. From memory the boxes we used to get just had a black moulding that held the hotswap caddys wrapped in antistatic bag.
still like my idea :)
ocuk have actually used the retail version of it
cant remember the name though
basically its a plastic bag
you crush it at the neck and 2 chemicals mix to make expanding foam
molds it perfectly around your product
not sure if ocuk still use them as its a more expensive
form of packaging
but it really does a fantastic job
that's quite nifty. I'd need to acquire some ESD bags but if i cant get nice slotted boxes then it could work, cheers.

the slotted boxes are pretty easy to buy online if you're in the US, but shipping is prohibitive. I've asked a couple of our suppliers to see if they can source anything
one of our suppliers has come through with something that looks like it will fit the bill. Not really sure they count as a competitor, but they're the exact opposite of "hard dog" in case anyone comes here looking.
When we shipped our avid storage servers out in work, we bought some very large knock off peli cases with the foam blocks and some ESD bubble wrap. Wrapped the disks individually in their hotwap trays and slotted the disks into cut outs made into the foam. This was for 3x 18 bay chassis, so not quite as large scale. IIRC, each resign case fit 16 disks comfortably, and the extra two were squeezed in the sides. It worked perfectly and everything survived the journey from Cardiff to Leeds. The process of cutting out and wrapping each individual disk was quite labour intensive. We also got the benefit of having the resin cases back afterwards to reuse for tranmsporting or shipping other bulky/delicate items again.
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