Packing PC components into a suitcase....!! Do I absolutely need those anti-static bags??

5 Sep 2003
Cardiff Geordie
I'm moving to the USA and hoping to take my PC components with me, so motherboard, CPU, GPU, RAM and HDDs.... I'm hoping I can just pack them between items of clothing to pad them in. I'm having trouble finding some anti-static bags to pack them in, however, and I leave in 3 days...!

Do you think anti-static bags are absolutely necessary to avoid zapping the components or would ziplock sandwich type bags be just as good?? Or worse?!!
Ok thanks, I'll try and see if I can find some in the short time before I leave but all we have around here is PC World and I'm not even sure they sell PCs any more.....?!!
There's a slim chance I could take them in hand luggage but what'd the difference be? I didn't think cards sandwiched between multiple layers of soft fabric would be at any great risk being loaded into the hold in a suitcase? Or is there more chance of static discharge down there??
You not seen the way baggage handlers treat suitcases ?

Lol yeah, but it's a piece of RAM, not a ming vase.... I mean, even something like a GPU isn't particularly 'fragile' when sandwiched between 10 layers of t shirts?!

Yeah I have plenty of Ziploc freezer bags, but just didn't know whether they might actually be WORSE than nothing as I figured perhaps the anti-static bags were made of a specific kind of plastic that helps dissipate charge or something....?? But yeah if worst comes to worst I'm sure I can just use those or padded envelopes.
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