Pad thai?

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
I'm usually great at getting recipes to work. But I'm having problems with getting a good pad thai. I can make ok pad thai', but not great.

I must have tried about 8 or so diffrent recipes now and they all fail.

So anyone got a decent recipe they know works well. How do restaurants get the pink colour, is it just a bit of tomato puree. Also the recipe I tried tonight had Tamarind extract in it. None of the others have.

How can such a simple dish be so hard to get right.
What is Pad Thai, sounds tasty :D

Thai dish

Rice noodles
Fish Sauce
scrambled egg
Prawns (or chicken)
Spring onions.
Bean Sprouts
roasted peanuts


If you ever go to a Thai restaurant try it, it's simply awesome.
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whats wrong with cat or dog meat? as long as it tastes nice.
No diffrent to seafood. (was trying to think of a meat scavenger we eat). Meats meat, if it tastes nice, couldn't really care what animal it came from.
Yep that's a great recipe. needs a bit more chilli and lime juice.

Apart from that it was great. Oh and I over cooked the prawns. But I've never cooked with them before.
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