Padded dividers and their price...

Not have any experience comparing them but you know the Peli will fit 100%. I never even thought of getting 3rd party dividers to be honest.
Well the Peli dividers will fit 100% into a Peli case. If it's for a rucksack there's no point. Also if for whatever reason your gear gets damaged while in a Peli case (I'd imagine they have some sort of guarantee on that front) you can bet they won't pay up if you had other manufacturers dividers in there
Yeah I have no doubt that they will fit nicely... I wouldn't expect anything else but they can't seriously justify those prices for padding? :P

They might well have a guarantees that require the use of a peli case and peli pads but there's one there for £311! £311 for padding? lol
I know they're v expensive :P The divider seems to be half the price of a case if you buy one with dividers which seems daft :/ Fine, if you want the best protection for your equipment then you know what you need to get. It isn't cheap but it's proven so you fork out for the brand and then you know your kit will survive but why the divider price? :P

I'm also amazed at how few products there are out there suited to what I'm trying to do. You'd think there would be a few options for foam inserts for rucksacks but the options are surprisingly far and few between!
The ideal option I have found is a spare insert for a Domke rucksack but despite the fact that it's a british brand, the only place I've found with 1 in stock in New York lol :( Other than that Domke insert the only other vaguely suitable options are hard case padded dividers or buyin a cheap camera rucksack to cut off any straps and shiz to put in my decent rucksack.

I could have course just buy a decent camera rucksack to begin with but it would be a waste since I already have a very nice rucksack and I ideally would like to avoid broadcasting to the world what I'm carrying!


the insert in question:

Shame it seems to have vanished from the surface of the earth! I tried contacting Domke themselves and Cameraworld who seem to be their main UK retailer but both have failed to reply to my emails :| awesome customer service!
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It's mainly because camera rucksacks don't particularly look like /camera/ rucksacks in the same way that shoulder bags tend to, and because it's really really hard to make a one size fits all style insert for rucksacks.

Let alone the problem that most rucksacks only open from the top which makes any sort of access when combined with an insert next to impossible. That's why pretty much every camera rucksack is either split into padded compartments about halfway down the back, or the back completely opens up to reveal the compartments like most of the Crumpler bags.
Yeah there's plenty of individual or small batches of pockets but nothing big like that Propack insert.

I deliberately got a decent rucksack a while ago that opens all the way down so you can lay it on it's back and have top down access like a suitcase :) I just need to find a decent insert. If the Calumet own branded larger insert was in stock I would try that but that's also out of stock.

It would fit quite nicely in my bag and with the straps done up I'm pretty sure everything would be held in place quite nicely. The alternative is for me to wait a few months till I'm in Canada at my parent's place and order that insert from the US shop! At least the charges won't be as much then.

The other fairly suitable product I found was this:

It seems to be something mostly sold on ebay but that particular shop seems to have stored them in the past. Surprise surprise, this is also out of stock and AWOL from ebay lol :( It's like a conspiracy!
I'm also amazed at how few products there are out there suited to what I'm trying to do. You'd think there would be a few options for foam inserts for rucksacks but the options are surprisingly far and few between!

This may sound cheeky but it's not meant to be. Have you been to the bay and typed in "camera bag insert"? There seems to be no shortage of such things in various styles and configuartions and for little cost. ;)
It's mainly because camera rucksacks don't particularly look like /camera/ rucksacks in the same way that shoulder bags tend to, and because it's really really hard to make a one size fits all style insert for rucksacks.

Let alone the problem that most rucksacks only open from the top which makes any sort of access when combined with an insert next to impossible. That's why pretty much every camera rucksack is either split into padded compartments about halfway down the back, or the back completely opens up to reveal the compartments like most of the Crumpler bags.
Most camera bags do really look like camera bags, especially ones "designed" for any kind of outdoor work.

AS already mentioned f-stop do about 6 different sizes (and if you're near London paramo have them in). Or you can do what I do, make something a little more basic, specific for my bag, although I don't have dividers as mine only opens at the top.
This may sound cheeky but it's not meant to be. Have you been to the bay and typed in "camera bag insert"? There seems to be no shortage of such things in various styles and configuartions and for little cost. ;)

I've spent a good few hours searching :P

If you look at the examples I've given and you can see others that are similar then feel free to link them :P I don't want a few individual padded sleeves or a messenger bag insert. These would just rattle around inside my rucksack and end up all over the place. I want a one piece unit like the few I've listed.

So far I have found 2 suitable products (3 if you include the Calumet brand hard case padded dividers) and none of them are in stock in the UK lol :(

The interior dimensions of the main compartment in my rucksack is

58.4cm H
34.2cm L
21.5cm D
I've spent a good few hours searching :P

If you look at the examples I've given and you can see others that are similar then feel free to link them :P I don't want a few individual padded sleeves or a messenger bag insert. These would just rattle around inside my rucksack and end up all over the place. I want a one piece unit like the few I've listed.

It would have been hard to recommend something specific given you only now mentioned dimensions and the other examples seem to vary in size.

For what you're wanting to do it's going to be very hard to find something with an accurate enough fit to do the job in your bag that they're intended to do in others (like the peli). The examples you've provided give no protection on the top or hold anything in so even if you found one that is the right width and height all your stuff could still end up rattling around in your bag. Since all these "one piece" inserts are mostly modular anyway, with removable velcro dividers, I'd rather just attach a few smaller well padded and sealed units together with velcro. This would keep it all together, it would be solid and would be better protected in your bag due to being covered on all sides so that nothing pops out of it's space during travel. Due to the variation in sizes offered it wouldn't be hard to attach the right combination to fit your bag in the layout you're looking for.
Originally I wasn't really posting to ask for suggestions, just to see if there was something I was missing about the Peli divider price but it's pretty much what I expected.

The Domke insert would fit quite nicely in my rucksack I think and it would be easy enough to get a piece of foam to cover the top. The rest of the divider things I've seen for sale wouldn't organise very well in my bag as it's quite roomy! I might take some pics later to show the size.

More than anything I'm annoyed at the service from Domke and Cameraworld :/ I can't believe they don't even answer emails. I can accept having to wait a few days for a minor query like that but no reply is just rude lol (checked my spam filter). If I get time I guess I'll have to call them or something!
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