Padding within a div plus a few other questions

20 Sep 2003
I am still working on a small taxi website and am nearly finished but have a few final bits to do to tidy it up. I am struggling with the padding within the footer and header, as you can see the footer text is right up against the edge of the footer div. How can I get this to show with padding, when I add padding to the footer it sets it out of line.

I am also looking to incorporate web fonts as the header text (rather than an image) but I am not sure how to achieve this. How do I split the text so it floated left for the title and floated right for the phone number?

Finally in the contact section I would like to use a contact form that allows the user to select from a drop down i.e. General Enquiries, Bookings, Customer Feedback etc. Can anyone recommend a good jQuery script to use?

Sorry for all the questions, still learning :)
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