Page file

5 Jul 2005
Read the baddass guide to windows and it said to turn it off which i have done for past year or so but now keep reading posts saying it should be at least the size of the amount of ram in system. I have 2gig ram and my windows partition is set at 12gig and then have 100gig partition for games and music.
The sticky contains a lot of questionable material. Under no circumstances, ever, turn the page file off. Just don't do it. It'll hurt performance. Also never set the page file to be less than the amount of physical memory installed.
Baddass told you to turn off the pagefile? That's just stupid. Windows XP NEEDS the pagefile to run properly. So does a lot of software for that matter. The pagefile isn't just an overflow, it gets used even if you have 2GB of RAM and you're only running Solitaire lol

I'm sorry, but at no point did Baddass tell him to "turn it off". What he does say in his FAQ is:

Baddass said:
It is generally not advised to totally disable the pagefile, but if you have 1GB of RAM some ppl say they can disable it with no adverse effects.

(unless I'm reading the latest version and the previous version said so)
Ahh now it makes sense. I didn't think someone would suggest turning it off completely.

The only time you should is if you are resizing it. To prevent fragmentation and possible errors, when you resize your pagefile, firstly set it to 0. reboot, then set it to the new size and reboot again.

Other than that you shouldn't turn it off.

if your standalone hard drive (ie not raid array) is set into multiple partitions you should ONLY have a pagefile on the same partition as your windows directory (usually C: )

if you have multiple hard drives, you do get a small performance boost if you spread the pagefile over these multiple drives (in the primary partition)

do NOT turn it off.. when its turned off, windows does still make one anyway -check taskmanager
Thanks guys. Turned it off when i had 1gb of memory and never noticed anything so left it off for 2gb as well. Have set it to 2gb now on just the windows only partition and left the storage drives with no pagefile.
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