Pagefile with dual boot (XP x2) - where do I put it now?

16 Mar 2006
Down the road
I have had a quick look at the sticky showing how to optimise XP with regards to the pagefile placing but I have a quick question...

I have two hard drive's, the first is partitioned and XP is installed twice on this drive for dual booting (once for normal use and then again just a minimal os install for games only to try and get max performance). The second HDD is currently formatted as one large (200 gig) drive.
The normal advice is to move the pagefile onto a separate drive for best performance - this I have done for my first XP install (normal use) placing the pagefile onto the second HDD.
I was going to do the same for the second XP Install (games only) but when I try to do this Windows tells me that there is already a pagefile on the 2nd drive (from the first XP install) and asks if I want to overwrite this. Can I do this and let it overwrite or is this going to give me problems?

As a workaround I guess I could partition the second drive and have a pagefile on each partition - 1 for the first install and 1 for the second... Any thoughts?
I would try letting it overwrite - it's not going to lose you anything (the pagefile is regenerated whenever it's used), I doubt there will be an issue.

The only worry might be that one Windows install might end up with paged data from the other if something goes a bit amiss - there is a setting that will automatically clear the page file on a clean shutdown, google for it if you like.

These are just thoughts, have never tried it myself. Creating an extra partition would have course work fine too.
The page file is invalidated each time you boot up so there's no need for that Registry tweak to clear it at shut down...
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