
24 Feb 2004
I'm doing that level where you have to kill 30 enemies while in demon form to unlock the tarot card, and I just can't do it! I've reached the end bit, where accorrding to GameFAQs the greatest number of enemies at once spawn, I arranged it so I only need 1 soul to morph into demon form, and there's STILL not enough people to kill! I wander around that final area trying to get as big a train of enemies after me as possible, but there's simply not enough! More spawn after I kill the first lot, and I think the second lot might be even more than the first, but I can't not moprh until I've killed the whole first wave cause I arranged it so I only need 1 more soul! Is there a way to trigger the second wave of enemies to spawn simultaneously to the first?
Is it the gasmask guys? I think I did it half way through the level. But this it a year ago, I can't remember exactly. 1 baddie=1 soul? Do you have the soul sucker card? Makes it easy to grab souls, too easy sometimes.
Yep, got that card, made it hell when I was trying to make sure I had just enough souls that one more would make me morph but no more.
Last level was worse though... that was the one when you had to not collect a single soul - hell on earth!
I found it quite easy to do the level you speak of to get the tarot card. Painkiller is one of the most fun games I've ever played. I played through it 3 times to find all the secrets and unlock all the tarot cards. As said before use soul sucker, but kill the enemies in such a way that you have time pick up each and every soul. It can be done. This way you morph into a demon more times.
manveruppd said:
Yeah but you have to get 30 kills inside a single morph! they don't carry over!

If its the level im thinking of then the kills do carry over for each morph as you can morph several times during a single level.
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