Paint a film scene 3!

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26 Dec 2005
The Original Thread

Okay, so I was bored and I decided it would be fun to try the film scene thing again. This time we can have TV scenes aswell. It would make sense to define if it was a film or TV though.

Rules are the same as before. Images no larger than 250x250 :)

The first one (TV):


[Edit] Took Memphis's advice.
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I'm a BoB fiend :) I could tell you pretty much anything you want to know about it ;)
I've read the book and watched the DVD about 4 times. I just love it. The author of the book (Stephen Ambrose) died a few months ago too :(

Saying that though, I've been told I know too much about that period of time heh.
woodsy2k said:
You can never know too much mate, Knowledge is power remember :D

I to Love Ban of Brothers, but i wont challenge hehe

Knowledge is the best path to enlightenment. Well anyway, i'm a curious soul and i'd rather know things then not. My flatmates think I watch too many documentaries hehe.
woodsy2k said:
Documentories.......or....Hmm now lets see......

Big Brother???

Nuff said

For your information, I cannot stand Big Brother and I think the exercise in human incompetance should be abolished from our screens. Don't ever insult me with that again.
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