Paintshop Pro or Photoshop?

15 Jul 2006
Which one do you use? I've been using Paintshop Pro since version 8 so I know how to use it. It seems however that everyone always mentions Photoshop! What main advantages does photoshop deliver? Is it that much better to cost almost £500?!
I've been using Photoshop since version 4 (1996), version 7 incorporated loads of enhancements for photographers so it's the natural choice :)
Proper colour management, curves, decent RAW convertor and a host of powerful plugins make it the best editor for Photographers.
I have Photoshop versions 4, 5 & CS and hardly use them , I know there the industry standard but they can be over complicated for general use like re-sizing etc .I have always used Paint Shop Pro , dead easy to use , my version is only about 9mb , so dos,nt take up loads of space and dos'nt take ages to load. If I have pictures to crop or re-size , say for e-bay , the quickness of PSP comes in very handy .
I once loaded 1500 plugins for CS to try out and the damn program took about 5mins to load and that was on a 2gig processor laptop .Quickly got rid of them .I do think Photoshop is worth having for some things , but ,I'll still stick with my PSP thank you .
I use PSP.

I don't do enough photo manipulation to warrant the extra expense of PS.
I've used both. I'm currently using Elements 4 (and typically 5 just came out after I bought 4 GRRR). Mainly because I thought I'd better use something legit if I plan to sell any shots :D

If I had the money I'd definitely buy PS CS as it's so good, there are loads of things you can do with that, that you can't with other packages (and annoyingly some things you can't do in Elements, which sucks).

That being said, if I had £500 knocking about I'd buy the 70-200 f/4 :)
Photoshop all day long for me, I use it everyday at work and I love it, I'ma graphic designer by trade and I couldn't possibly do with it.

One of the things I love about it is the fact that you can use it at so many different levels, from the really basic like resizing rotating etc etc to seriously advanced stuff.

I have been using it for about 8 years now and I still feel like I'm only just scratching the surface of it. Every time I use it I can learn something new.

[Puts Fire Retardant clothing on]I've got and have used since Version 4, Corel Graphics (Draw and PhotoPaint), very easy to get some great effects[/Puts Fire Retardant clothing on]

Plus I've got PS7 for when I need a few wikky effects that CPP can't do!. :)
Photoshop. As Ray said. Industry standard and it is for a reason. There is a learning curve but the best thing about it is that I've been using it for about 7 years and every few months I learn new ways of doing things. Its so powerful.
I use Photoshop, and aside from price, to me its clearly a superior product. Then there is the fact that any magazine tip/tutorial will refer to Photoshop, not another product.

However I do still use PSP 7 (the last version that wasn't fat) as a quick resize and quick manipulation tool, especially on my laptop where Photoshop doesn't run too fast.
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