Paiting Plastic (Fans)

13 Jan 2004
Hi Project loggers, looking for some advice on painting plastic.

Have primed some Corsair SP/AF120 fan rings with Rust-Oleum Plastic primer (white). Primer stuck fantastically. One coat and and pretty much the previously red rings were pure white.

Then put on my orange plastic paint coat. Also Rust-Oleum. Does not stick anywhere near as well as the primer did to the plastic. The orange paint is dwelling and running off the sharper edges, exposing the white primer beneath.

Expected to have problems getting the primer to stick to the plastic, not the finish coat to stick to the primer. Any tips?

Edit - Whilst the best target audience is probably here in Project logs it's not really in keeping with the rules. Perhaps a mod could move to General Hardware?
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Noted on using as little paint as possible. Got plenty of spare rings so can experiment.

Turns out I am using Neon Orange for a Gigabyte OC board also :D
When I posted this I thought the same colinmcr. A subsection would be great. I love a good tweak and nothing beats building/modding something yourself. I think many more people would try if there were some solid guides by some of the talented people. Not just the talent freaks (:p) but also people who are not afraid to give something a try and post their findings!

Paint is on the back burner for the moment, just finished a hardware refresh. The trial run I did was not so great. primer went on good but the orange coat has left primer showing, does not like to stick. Also found spraying on card let paint dwell at the bottom and stick in clumps, not very tidy.

Think I need to get a proper rig set up to hang the parts for spraying and perhaps look at some slight sandpaper abrasion on the primer. Need to perhaps look at spraying from a greater distance to get a finer more even coat.
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