PAL and NTSC only refers to SD video. At HD and above there isn't that distinction any more, just different frame rates. The reason your camera is locked to 25p or 50p is for backwards compatibility with PAL if you ever wanted to run off an SD DVD for example or broadcast it but the important thing to consider is if you are shooting around certain light sources that run at 50hz, if you shoot at 30p or 60p you'll get flicker from the lights, if you were using the camera mainly indoors it could be a problem but if you're shooting out and about then it doesn't really matter. As far as future proofing goes, all frame rates are future proof, from 24p for film all the way up to 120p and beyond, it ultimately comes down to what you are shooting, where and what look you want.
Personally I would stick with the 25p/50p model for use in this country, purely for the reason of potentially encountering the flickering lights issue.