panasonic s29 dvd player possible problem

2 Jan 2005
i got the panasonic s29 dvd player just before xmas and i'm not sure if this is fault or not but it does this:
when i put a disc in the screen flickers between 4:3 and 16:9 (for about a second or so) as if its trying to decide between the 2 (i have a 4:3 TV). this also happens when i go from the movie to the menu and vice versa.
its quite annoying but don't know if its supposed to do this or not - i've had no response from emailing panasonic either.

the player is connected via scart, and all the settings in setup are set for a standard 4:3 tv.

does anybody have one of these players to confirm if its normal?
thanks a lot.
well, i've found out the problem - i had the dvd player attached to my tv through a scart splitting box and thats the probelm. if i plug it directly into the tv the screen flicker doesn't happen - i don't know why this should happen, but it does - i guess i'll just have to re-arrange all my numerous scart leads.
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