Panasonic ST50 Buzzing, glue fix?

27 Jan 2010
My 7 year old Panasonic plasma has always had a slight buzz during bright scenes, but it recently seems to have increased from barely audible to angry wasp in jar. I have looked up a few (old) discussion regarding the issue and tightening all the screws and gluing/gelling up capacitors and other offending components, seems to be the way to go. Can anyone recommend some none conducting, idiot proof product to splurge in the back of my TV?

My 7 year old Panasonic plasma has always had a slight buzz during bright scenes, but it recently seems to have increased from barely audible to angry wasp in jar. I have looked up a few (old) discussion regarding the issue and tightening all the screws and gluing/gelling up capacitors and other offending components, seems to be the way to go. Can anyone recommend some none conducting, idiot proof product to splurge in the back of my TV?

I'm sure there are some replacement screws also that reduce vibration. I had a 50G30 with exactly the same problem, removed the back panel, replaced it and the buzzing stopped without touching anything inside. :D
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