Panda Internet Security 2007

7 Oct 2003
Im thinking of getting this, just wondering whetehr anyone has used this and what they think.

Also what other program would you recommend - must have anti virus and firewall and ideally not use too much memory! and also lincense to span two PCs!

Many thanks.
In a word. Don't. I tried it once (from the cover of a magazine, would you believe) and it was rubbish. Mind you, this was over two years ago. Still wouldn't though. Once bitten, twice shy they say.

Try AVG free for a decent free anti-virus.
I used Panda Anti-virus for 3 years , I only ditched it about a year and a half ago as I could'nt get a retail version , could only buy it on-line for £49 . I thought it was too expensive. I had use the Platinum & Titainium versions and thought they were very good . Other Anti-virus program's had let virus's through , nothing got past Panda .But ,I think it slowed my PC down a bit , there was quite a few things in resourses that Panda was running . I now wouldn't use any versions with the words Security Centre in it. Much prefer to use a separate , anti-virus , firewall , and spyware programs . I've been trialing 2 programs for the past month , have them on 2 PC's and am very pleased with them . Active Security Shield by Kaspersky , this is a freeby and Comodo Firewall , another freebie . Had no problems so far and they seem very stable.
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