I have had the monitor for about 1.5 months now.
The first time this issue appeared was about a week after having it. Note that the distortion/pixelation appears even in the monitor OSD.
Eventually after about 15-minutes of troubleshooting everything I could the issue just disappeared, and so I put it down to a loose cable.
But now, over a month later, it seems the issue is back. Started doing it again while playing Forza 4. Pulling the cable fixed it, but the next morning it starts again a few minutes after turning on. Pulled the cable fixed it again, but within a few minutes it was back. Again I pulled the cable and did a reboot in the monitors OSD and that seems to have (temporarily?) fixed it.
Anyone have any idea of what this could be?
Found a similar case on reddit but with no resolution [here:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monitors/comments/7afa6u/i_need_help_with_my_acer_predator_x34/)