Panic buying

16 May 2004
Why do people do this. As some of you may know I work at Morrison's and yesterday was pretty much like Xmas if not worse. From 8:30 am the store was rammed and people filling their trolleys with anything and everything.

I work on the fish counter and I was non-stop serving for 6 hours, maybe a little more. I couldn't keep up. I served pretty much 80% of my Friday customers as they wanted to get their fish and not come in for it today as well as my normal Thursday brigade. lots of new customers coming in through the doors too.

The milk and bread sections were pretty much empty by 3pm and the people coming in as per the norm when they finished work where left disappointed due to no stock available. Obviously they where making complaints. And fair play to them, they wouldn't of known half of Derby waltzing in earlier to demolish the store.

But still, why do people do this? in some way I can see why customers that live out of Derby in the smaller towns and villages etc as they have a higher chance of getting 'snowed in' but most of the people live in Derby or the surrounding areas and its easy to get in. If I and 95% of the staff can make it in I'm sure the customers can too.

oh and the store Deputy GM is on East Midlands today at 6:30 on BBC1. I might of made an appearance :D Not sure though as I couldnt work out the camera angle...
I spent my whole day today buying fish from various stores. I don't eat fish, but its good to know its there.
Went down town today it was empty. Only me in the bank it felt weird. Went to the veg shop & there was just 1 other person in there & then when I went to the Co-Op there wasn't 1 single person at the tills just 2 women waiting for customers.
Ghost town or what :eek:
I bought some fish to make a fort out of, I don't like the taste so it's unlikely I will be eating any of it. The fort though should protect me from the weather.
People do it because they don't want to have to drive out to the supermarket when there's snow everywhere. That's the normal weekend shoppers covered. The ones that buy 40 litres of bottled water and 10 loaves of bread are just losers.
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