Panoramic Camera

21 Oct 2004
Los Angeles
Thought this looked cool...

Hm, I have seen it before and am now thinking this camera with a good scanner could be very useful. I shall check if it's cheaper to buy in Russia and may be ask my parents for a present :D
Hasselblad's X-Pan is very interesting too, uses 35mm film but takes shots 24mm*65mm rather than the standard 24*36 (though it can do those too). Only problem is it's still rather expensive!

Although the Hassie is an amazing camera, the Fuji Fuji G617 Professional is better. ;) As it uses Medium format film so you get a bigger neg :)

Only problem, is huge and its £3000
If you are looking for a panoramic camera, the Xpan was co developed with Fuji. Fuji's version was called the Tx-1 (Tx-2 when the Xpan 2 came out).

It wasn't imported offically into the UK, but they do crop up for sale every now and again.

I wanted one for ages but couldn't justify it to the other half. Now woth digital stitching of multiple shots, I'm not sure wether they are as tempting for me.
its so easy to make panoramic`s these days with a normal digi cam there isn't really any need for that type of cam.
my canon S2-IS has a built in Panoramic setting to help you set the shots up
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