Panoramic from 'The Dome' Dawson City

16 Mar 2006
Just got back from traveling around Alaska and North west Canada.

I have quite a few pictures, but I wanted to get this panoramic from the top of the dome done first.

The picture is 360' and absolutly huge so I will just post a link!

The Dome

One think I am usless at is sorting out all of the joins so it doesnt look so messy. So if there is anyone that would be kind enough to touch up the joins and post it back I would preciate it greatly.

Hi, I'd love to see your panorama photo because I've got an interest in doing them myself having just bought a panorama head, levelling table and 2nd hand tripod. (Unfortunately I'm unable to sort out the stitching software that came with my camera).

Are you able to "save your photo for the web" using Photoshop so that it loads faster?

I'd then be able to take a look at it, it certainly is a Big Un!
I managed to take a look at it (I'm glad I'm not on a 56k modem) :)

I'd like to know

Did you take your shots in portrait or lanscape orientation?

How many photos did you stitch together?

Someone else has asked about the software program?

Did you use any special panoramic head, worry about nodal point etc?

Very nice panoramic photo, i hope you dont mind but ive tried running it thru my Circular panoramic macro. It creates a nice little planet from the 360degree Pano.

Belly said:
I managed to take a look at it (I'm glad I'm not on a 56k modem) :)

I'd like to know

Did you take your shots in portrait or lanscape orientation?

How many photos did you stitch together?

Someone else has asked about the software program?

Did you use any special panoramic head, worry about nodal point etc?


Portrait, Everyone knows you take panoramic shots in portrait :)(Plus you can see the joins :P)
DreederOcUK said:
Very nice panoramic photo, i hope you dont mind but ive tried running it thru my Circular panoramic macro. It creates a nice little planet from the 360degree Pano.

Wow, I saw this style thing on digg, no pic to try it with though, well good effect, good job
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Clown said:
I don't like that circular one, it makes me dizzy :)

Just close one eye when you look at it and you won't fall off your chair, whoooops, I got that one wrong! :)
Sorry for not replying sooner, been catching up with jet lag and working :(

For the size of the picture, If you right click it and 'Save Target As' (not sure what ie says) you can always download it and view it that way, saves you waiting for it to load.

I used Canon Photo Stitch to join them all together. In total there were 14 pictures joined together I think, there may have been 13 though!

I didnt use a tripod when taking the picture, I just stood on top of a bench and spun around, trying my best to keep the horison at the same level in the view finder. I have tryed making a panoramic using a tripon before, I had it perfectly level using the onboard spirit level but it didnt seem to work out, was all wavey?? Maybe there is a certain angle the tripod needs to be set at?

The pictures were taken in landscape. Not sure that you can take panoramics in portrait, but I could be wrong?

Im liking the effect you done there DreederOcUK Very nice effect!

Just tryed answering as many things as possible so sorry if it doesnt make for fluid reading.

If anyone is out there that is good in photoshop and would like to try and tidy up the joins, please feel free!

PhilC136 said:
Just tryed answering as many things as possible so sorry if it doesnt make for fluid reading.


Thanx, I'm getting more and more information each day :)
Thanks for the reference Belly ;)

I wasn't aware that panorama's had to be taken in portrait, I thought my effort worked quite well landscape. What improvement does portrait give you except for more sky/foreground when shooting wide angle? If I had done that with the shot mentioned above all you would have seen was a wall anyway... I would have said like most photography, it's all down to the specific shot as to how you should shoot it.

Very nice btw phil.

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